Monday, May 6, 2013

Sample Elementary School Library Policies

The first example I have found is In reading through this policy, I have found some things I am suspicious of, which I would most likely NOT use in a policy that I have created. This is a good learning experience, though, so I'm able to know what I want my school library policies to be when I finally get to that stage. For example, if I had no assistants or aides in my library, I would not allow individual or small groups of students to come into the library (REMEMBER, this is at the elementary level) at anytime they wanted EXCEPT to return books. That is the ONLY exception. If I am with a class, it would be nearly impossible for me to keep track of a student or group of students who want/need my attention just as much as the class I am trying to teach. Also, the flexible scheduling is quite suspect, as well, in that each teacher is allowed to ask for whatever time they want to come into the library. However, time conflicts are very possible, so it may cause many disgruntled teachers and staffers. One thing I really like about this policy, though, is the mission statement and the methods on how that mission statement will be achieved.

The next example I found is The most suspect thing is right at the bottom of the page: the fourth consequence is "The 3 Ps: Parent, PADDLING, Principal." Otherwise, I really liked this policy because it included what the students will be learning in the library and the Overdue Policy is very similar to one that I would try to impose.

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